Contact Us
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Have a question or need some advice? Get in touch with our park manager who will be more than happy to help.
By providing your contact details you confirm that you are content for us to contact you by post, e-mail or by telephone and you agree that you have read and understand our Privacy Policy.
We will use your details to answer your query. We will not send you information on our products and services without your explicit consent. We will not pass your details on to third parties. You may unsubscribe from our mailing list at anytime.
Park Manager: Samantha Stevens
Speak to Us
You can call the office during Opening Hours:
Monday - Sun 08:30 - 17:00
Telephone 01237 471833
All calls may be recorded for training purposes.
Email us
You can send us an email or complete the
contact form below
Email: surfbay@surfbay.co.uk
Write to us
Golf Links Road,
Westward Ho!,
EX39 1HD
Please complete the following form to make an enquiry. * Denotes a required field.
By providing your contact details you agree that you have read and understand our privacy policy. You may unsubscribe from our mailing list at anytime.